A legend or a personality?

A legend is a tale that has survived in a culture or society for generations, often with a moral or message attached to it. Legends may involve heroes, gods, supernatural beings, or other figures, and are often based on traditions, beliefs, and myths that have been passed down through time.
A personality, on the other hand, refers to a real person, that has had a major impact on a society or culture. They can be politicians, writers, artists, athletes, musicians or other people who have made a significant difference and become famous because of their work or achievements.
The difference between a legend and a personality is that legends are supernatural or fanciful tales, while personalities are real people who have existed and had a major impact on their society.
Here at LasKat.dk we allow ourselves to gather both these concepts under one, and call it, for the sake of simplicity, legends.

Create yourself as an administrator (click here) and add legends that you think should be on the list of legends, so that together we can make this list as comprehensive and complete as possible.
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